Description Of Work

EFPC provides in-house and public workshops on how to hold successful Contract Negotiations which include the preparation of the Description of Work. Please contact us here for more information.


The preparation of the Description of Work, also known as the Technical Annex or Annex 1, is extremely important. Remember that you are contractually liable for its contents.


The most important thing to remember is that whereas in the proposal it says `we will try to…`, the Annex says `we will do…`


The Technical Annex is based on the proposal and agrees the exact content of the work to be carried out. An outline and roadmap is usually required for the entire project but more detail for the fist period. In IPs and NoEs a detailed plan is required for first eighteen months.


The Technical Annex is an opportunity for some modifications, either initiated by the consortium in the light of events since submittal of the proposal or more likely as a result of suggestions by the evaluators and/or requests from the Commission. Any such changes are only allowed with the agreement of the Project Officer and his major concern is that the essence of the proposal evaluated has not changed.